Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
A Re-post of Value...Life
Save Yourself - Not Your Possessions
Like everyone else in Maullin, Chile,, Ramon Atala survived the 1960 Chile earthquake. However, he lost his life trying to save something from the tsunami that followed.
Mt. Atala was Maullin’s most prosperous merchant. Outside of town, he owned a barn and a plantation of Monterey pine. In town, he owned a pier and at least one large building and also had private quarters in a waterfront warehouse.
Mt. Atala entered this warehouse between the first and second wave of the tsunami that struck Maullin. The warehouse was washed away and his body was never found.
Sálvate a ti mismo, no sus posesiones (translated via Google Translate)
l igual que todos los demás en Maullín, Chile, Ramón Atala sobrevivió el terremoto de Chile de 1960. Sin embargo, perdió su vida tratando de salvar algo del tsunami que le siguió.
Monte Atala era más próspero comerciante de Maullín. Fuera de la ciudad, era dueño de un establo y una plantación de pino de Monterrey. En la ciudad, era dueño de un muelle y por lo menos un edificio grande y también tenía habitaciones privadas en un almacén frente al mar.
Monte Atala entró en este almacén entre la primera y la segunda ola del tsunami que azotó a Maullín. El almacén fue arrasada y su cuerpo nunca fue encontrado.
No está claro lo que él estaba tratando de salvar. Lo que está claro es que hay posesión es digno de su vida y que es importante llegar a un terreno más alto lejos de la costa y permanecer allí hasta que sea seguro regresar.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Tsunami Additional Resources 3/25/2014
Tsunami Science:
Life of a Tsunami, USGS
Tsunamis: Frequently Asked Questions, NOAA
Tsunami Science and Preparedness, Cal OES
Tsunami Preparedness:
ShakeOut Tsunami Drill (PDF)
Current Tsunami Warning/Watch/Advisory Messages for All Regions, NOAA
Tsunami Detection and Warnings Fact Sheet, US Department of Commerce & Deparment of the Interior
Tsunami Safety Booklet (PDF), State of Hawaii
Tsunami Preparedness Week, National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program
Tsunami Awareness and Safety Fact Sheet, National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program
Cal OES Tsunami Brochure (PDF)
California Geological Survey Tsunami Information
Tsunami Inundation Maps, CGS
Tsunami Preparedness, American Red Cross
PrepareSoCal Disaster Central, American Red Cross
Be Informed: Tsunamis,
Preparing for Tsunami Hazards, FEMA
Emergency Preparedness and Response: Tsunamis, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
Health Effects of Tsunamis
Food Safety After a Tsunami
Water Quality After a Tsunami
Sanitation & Hygiene After a Tsunami
Surviving a Tsunami: Lessons from Chile, Hawaii, and Japan, USGS
50th Anniversary of the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake and Tsunamis:
1964 Great Alaska Earthquake and Tsunamis, National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program
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